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Giro d'Italia

Giro d'Italia

Giro d'Italia Fixtures



Top Scorers

28.05. 15:00
Stage 21: Rome
26.05. 13:15
Stage 19: Longarone to Tre Cime di Lavaredo
25.05. 13:15
Stage 18: Oderzo to Zoldo Alto
24.05. 13:15
Stage 17: Pergine Valsugana to Caorle
23.05. 13:15
Stage 16: Sabbio Chiese to Monte Bondone
21.05. 13:15
Stage 15: Seregno to Bergamo
20.05. 13:15
Stage 14: Sierre to Cassano Magnago
19.05. 13:15
Stage 13: Borgofranco d'Ivrea to Crans-Montana
18.05. 13:15
Stage 12: Bra to Rivoli
17.05. 13:15
Stage 11: Camaiore to Tortona
16.05. 13:15
Stage 10: Scandiano to Viareggio
14.05. 13:15
Stage 9: Svaignano sul Rubicone to Cesena
12.05. 13:15
Stage 7: Capua to Gran Sasso
11.05. 13:15
Stage 6: Naples
10.05. 13:15
Stage 5: Atripalda to Salemo
09.05. 13:15
Stage 4: Venosa to Lago Laceno
08.05. 13:15
Stage 3: Vasto to Melfi
07.05. 13:10
Stage 2: Teramo to San Salvo
29.05. 13:45
Stage 21: Verona
27.05. 13:45
Stage 19: Marano Lagunare to Santuario di Castelmonte
26.05. 13:45
Stage 18: Borgo Valsugana to Treviso
25.05. 13:45
Stage 17: Ponte di Legno to Lavarone
24.05. 13:45
Stage 16: Salò to Aprica
22.05. 13:45
Stage 15: Rivarolo Canavese to Cogne
21.05. 13:45
Stage 14: Santena to Torino
20.05. 13:45
Stage 13: Sanremo to Cuneo
19.05. 13:45
Stage 12: Parma to Genova
18.05. 13:45
Stage 11: Santarcangelo di Romagna to Reggio Emilia
16.05. 14:00
Stage 10: Pescara to Jesi
13.05. 14:00
Stage 7: Diamante to Potenza
12.05. 14:00
Stage 6: Palmi to Scalea
11.05. 13:00
Stage 5: Catania to Messina
10.05. 14:00
Stage 4: Avola to Etna
08.05. 14:00
Stage 3: Kaposvár to Balatonfüred
06.05. 14:00
Stage 1: Budapest to Visegrád
04.05. 15:55
Team Presentation Parade